Wednesday, September 21, 2011

GSPMigrator source code release

After leaving the source codes for this tool, i've decided to put it on CodePlex with the GNU v2 licence, hoping that it will support and help any one that needs to migrate files into SharePoint 2007 (and in the future 2010).

GSPMigrator is basically a migration tool that allows anyone within the network to connect to a network drive and view it with a tree view.

There are several problems (although there are still some minor ones) that i went through before coming out with this version:

  • Lazy-loading vs eager-loading on generating tree views
Lazy-loading will give better user experience.


  1. I'm having trouble connecting to my local directory. UN and PW are not correct. are there any instructions or examples you could share?

  2. hi there, can you share more error messages? can you check if the local directory domain is entered correctly?

  3. i've tested a bit on sharepoint 2007/2010, it's working fine on my end. just make sure the following fields are correct:

    1) Directory (e.g. C:\Users\Gary)
    2) Domain (e.g. MyComputer)
    3) User id (e.g. administrator)
    4) pw (you need an example right?)
