Sunday, April 4, 2010

Performance bottleneck? review boxing & unboxing frequencies

There are times where our applications exceed users' response time threshold of 7s (usually), where all action must be completed under 7s.

Page-by-page code reviews are the last resort, but when you are resorting to that, look out of redundant boxing and unboxing of objects, check out: Technet

That's usually my case, or un-necessary objects declaration and recursion.

It's always better to go with iteration than recursion in terms of performance, as well as a typical For loop will outperform a foreach loop due to the boxing and unboxing overhead.

Check the traffic, CPU & memory utilization for resource bottleneck.

The last option is to review the entire architecture of the application (a PM's nightmare as that means a lot of time and resource needs to be pumped into the project). If good architectural designs was laid in place before development start, it wouldn't have to come to this point :)

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